Shadow of 1001 Things


Situation Glass Wall. 1800 x 400 cm, double screen print on glass.
Screen print on glass, detail inside looking out.

This ‘Last Wall’ is an art work for the backside of crematorium location ‘De Vier Jaargetijden’ in Roosendaal. This monumental ‘drawing’ of 18 x 4 meters, consists out of shapes of 1001 daily life shadows, shown by two layers of white-screen-printed-glass. A play with light and shadow, a western architectural interpretation that relates to eastern Wayang Kulit, specifically from Surhakarta in Indonesia.

‘How a silent march became the subject of a glass wall in a hypermodern auditorium? It works a bit like the box with photos from grandma’s attic. I took dozens of photos almost fifteen years ago, in silence, of people walking a procession in Surhakarta, Indonesia. They called it Carnaval. There was no sound or music apart from the shuffling of hundreds of people. Everyone was silent and concentrated, to honor the dead.
I was not allowed to take pictures and working with a flash was completely out of the question. I photographed secretly, off the cuff. The images became the subject of the inner serigraph as made for Zoom and Zegestede. I ‘picked’ all flower wreaths with the computer from the people, I also cut the white yarmulkes that some wore from the environment. All white parts were removed from the photos in this way, to get a place in the first layer of the ‘last’ wall; Shadows of 1001 things’. Want to see the original photo’s? see here

Client: Pole Productions for Foundation Zoom en Zegestede Roosendaal
Architect: Ingrid Annokkee
Hubert Crijns – Peter van der Pol – Margreet van Maanen Pals
Building Contractor: Heembouw
Production Entrance wall: Sant interiors
Production Condolence wall: Sant interiors Production
Farewell wall: Glass Solutions
Light Installation: studio Rublek & Elektra 21
Interior: Aarts & Co 
HVAC Installation: Clysan Landscape
Architect: Zichtlijn, Marcel van Wezel 
Photography : Jurgen Jacob Lodder